Education and Student Loans

Categories: Education
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About Course

The Understanding For-Profit Education Student Loans course is designed for students, graduates, and individuals considering or currently managing student loans from for-profit educational institutions. Participants will gain insights into the unique aspects of student loans from for-profit schools, understanding repayment options, and developing strategies for effective loan management

What Will You Learn?

  • Understanding the characteristics of student loans from for-profit educational institutions.
  • Differentiating between federal and private loan options.
  • Exploring various repayment plans available for for-profit education loans.
  • Understanding income-driven repayment options and eligibility criteria.
  • Overview of loan forgiveness and discharge programs specific to for-profit education loans.
  • Eligibility requirements and steps to apply for forgiveness or discharge.
  • Developing strategies for effective loan management during and after graduation.
  • Tips for budgeting and financial planning to meet loan repayment obligations

Course Content

EYLU Webinar Aug 17, 2022

  • EYLU Webinar Aug 17, 2022
  • Navigating Higher Education During Covid
  • Everything you need to know about Student Loans with Sonia Lewis
  • Homeschool Coding Boot Camp With Ian Michael Brock

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