
Categories: Banking, Basic, Business
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The Insurance Fundamentals and Risk Management course are designed for individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of insurance principles and how to effectively manage risks. Participants will explore various types of insurance, risk assessment strategies, and the role of insurance in safeguarding individuals and businesses

What Will You Learn?

  • Understanding the basic principles and concepts of insurance.
  • Exploring the different types of insurance, including life, health, property, and liability insurance.
  • Techniques for assessing and analyzing risks in personal and business contexts.
  • Identifying potential risks and their impact on financial well-being.
  • In-depth exploration of various insurance policies and their coverage.
  • Understanding the terms, conditions, and exclusions in insurance contracts.
  • Developing strategies for mitigating risks through insurance.
  • Creating effective insurance plans tailored to individual and business needs

Course Content


  • Home and Renters Insurance with Tamika Rose
  • Life Insurance 101 with Lindsay Smith
  • Disability insurance with Patrick Pierre-Louis
  • Insurance Planning Business and Personal With Ashley McKoy

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